Au Clair de la lune à Sart (world -> Europe -> France -> Poitou-Charentes -> Deux-Sevres -> Niort -> Brioux-sur-Boutonne: CHATEAU DE SART.). Une malle ou caisse oú garder des documents, videos et d'autres matériaux pour mieux apprendre le FranÇais.

jeudi 30 décembre 2010
Flocon- papillons (Anne Sylvestre)
[LPP] Le Petit Prince - part 1/13
mercredi 29 décembre 2010
samedi 25 décembre 2010
The Supreme Court on
Wednesday handed downadopted by them
three sentences forcing the regional government of Catalonia to adopt “whatever measures are necessary” to ensure that Spanish is considered a working language in
the education system along
with Catalan.
The decisions are the result of lawsuits brought by
parents demanding their
right to educate their children in Spanish, after the Catalan government denied
them that possibility in 2006.
Catalonia follows an “immersion” policy that favors the
use of the regional language,
although families in theory
have the right to ask for education in Spanish.
“The Supreme Court decision does not cancel nor force
a modification of any article
of the Catalan legislation currently in force,” said acting
Catalan education commissioner Ernest Maragall, arguing that the decisions only affect “individual situations.”
Meanwhile, the CiU nationalist bloc, which won November’s regional elections,
reached a deal with the Catalan Socialists to ensure that
CiUleader ArturMas is invested as regional premier today.
Wednesday handed downadopted by them
three sentences forcing the regional government of Catalonia to adopt “whatever measures are necessary” to ensure that Spanish is considered a working language in
the education system along
with Catalan.
The decisions are the result of lawsuits brought by
parents demanding their
right to educate their children in Spanish, after the Catalan government denied
them that possibility in 2006.
Catalonia follows an “immersion” policy that favors the
use of the regional language,
although families in theory
have the right to ask for education in Spanish.
“The Supreme Court decision does not cancel nor force
a modification of any article
of the Catalan legislation currently in force,” said acting
Catalan education commissioner Ernest Maragall, arguing that the decisions only affect “individual situations.”
Meanwhile, the CiU nationalist bloc, which won November’s regional elections,
reached a deal with the Catalan Socialists to ensure that
CiUleader ArturMas is invested as regional premier today.
jeudi 23 décembre 2010
Liaisons pour apprendre Le FranÇais en s'amusant.
Apprendre le français en s'amusant:
Jeux de reflexion:
Mots melangés:
mercredi 22 décembre 2010
mardi 14 décembre 2010
TICS et l'Apprentisage des langues.
Apprendre langues.
Lintercomprehension Pour Se Comprendre
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Do You Speak English? - Big Train - BBC comedy
Speak English
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Presentation AthèNes
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Van Gogh
196 - Van Gogh-Hermitage
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Van Gogh
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dimanche 12 décembre 2010
Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Nöel pour toutes les personnes qui visitent cet blog. Merci beaucoup.
samedi 11 décembre 2010
French cartoons
Learn French - Les animaux vol4
Learn French - Les animaux vol3
Learn French - Les animaux vol2
Learn French - Les animaux vol1
Learn French - L'école
Learn French - A l'ecole
Learn French - Professions vol1
Learn French - Le sport vol1
Learn French - le chat
Learn French - Le corps
Learn French - La nourriture
Learn French - Les légumes
Learn French - Les fruits
Learn French - Les fruits
تعلم الفرنسية
Learn French - Les boissons
Learn French - La cuisine
Learn French - Dans le métro vol1
Departements français - 01-10
David Charvet - « Apprendre à aimer » + sous-titres
Pokémon - Attrapez-les-tous & Je veux devenir un héros
Henri Salvador - «Jardin d'hiver» + sous-titres
vendredi 10 décembre 2010
Henri Berson: Le Rire.
Henri Bergson - Le Rire 1900
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Constructeurs de l'espoir.
Survivre la classe de franÇais.
03.00.1 survivre la classe de français
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La boheme.
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Perles des profs.
Les perles des professeurs et des parents
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La famille Simpson
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<div style="width:425px;text-align:left"><a style="font:14px Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;color: #0000CC;display:block;margin:12px 0 3px 0;text-decoration:underline;" href="" title="Les perles des professeurs et des parents">Les perles des professeurs et des parents</a><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="425" height="370" id="onlinePlayer193706"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashVars" value="" /><embed src="" width="425" height="370" name="onlinePlayer193706" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""allowScriptAccess="always" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" allowFullScreen="true" flashVars="" ></embed></object><div style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;height:26px;padding-top:2px;">View <a href="" style="color: #0000CC;">more presentations</a> or <a href="" style="color: #0000CC;">Upload</a> your own.</div></div>
French verbs 1
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
French verbs 1
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jeudi 9 décembre 2010
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